Saturday, January 9, 2010


Running is a religious experience for me.

I dont know why, but when Im running with my ipod in my ear on a trail, I feel more connected to god then any other time. My head is clear and I appreciate everything that that he provided for me. I havnt run in a very long time. This post may be lame, but I needed it, because I have felt so disconnected lately.

So as all of you know I am reaching a cross road in my life and dont really know the next step to take. My mom suggested that I just pray and an answer would come to me, I just have to trust that it will happen. Not to be a pessimistic but how is this suppose to happen. Is there really a God out there that has my life planned out who will protect me and guide me? Sounds unlikely, I mean what have I done for him?

As I was running I stopped and sat on a bench just to take it all in. I wanted to do something the I havnt done in a long time, just pray. stop. breathe. All of a sudden I saw that I was surrounded by all these ducks in the middle of the city. I watched people stop and notice the beauty, take a a picture, and keep on going. It is refreashing to see people in a city stop. I really tried to connect with God and dont know if I felt him, I wanted that spirituality that I am missing. I felt this same way as I stood at the Wailing Wall in Israel. You come to this moment and you expect something to happen and it doesn't, and it makes you feel all alone again. Then I looked down and there was an old Dollar at my foot, I picked It up, and saw the words that I have seen a middle times "In God we Trust" and I knew that everything would work out. I just have to have faith.

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